A Walk in the Woods

mansion store

Today was a very adventurous day hiking in the Pine Barrens.

First, we walked around a museum exhibit about pinelands ecology and industry at the Historic Batsto Village. We learned about the history behind the Pine Barrens, like the glass mills and factories. Also, the group learned that iron and glass was produced in the Pine Barrens area. Farming and agriculture was what a way of life for the people living in the Pine Barrens for well over a century.

We had free time to explore the village and the creeks. The group found many hidden bridges and basements in the buildings. There were re-creations of horse stalls and a historic mansion. After our short lunch break, we went on a 7-mile hike. We learned about controlled fires in the forests and we saw the results by examining burnt trees.

We decided to be daring and adventurous, and we didn’t take the route we planned. As we were walking through the hilly woods path, some fallen trees were blocking our way, so we had to climb over them. It was intense.

Overall, we had a great day out in the Pine Barrens and we’re excited for what’s to come during the rest of the week.


2016 Experiences, A Unique Pine Barrens Experience,