We started off the day with introductions and met a man named Mr. Volpa from Pinelands Adventures. He would be our guide for the day as we hiked for 2.5 miles through Oaks and Pines. The forest was filled with 3 different types of moss and the path was covered with pine needles. We were informed that within the pine cones, we could eat the seeds inside and we proceeded to do so. They didn’t taste too good, but we tried them anyway! As we walked we would stop at moments to admire the lichen plants.
As we ventured further into the forest, the pine needles were replaced by oak leaves. There were more dead trees laying beside the path and across it. While on the walk the question was asked, “What kinds of wildlife might we run into?” Mr. V responded with the answer coyotes and black bears. We were then given a lesson on what to do if we were to encounter one of the beasts, though he said the likelihood of doing so would be extremely unlikely. While on the way back on the bus, we spotted smoke in the distance and learned that it was from a controlled forest fire, which the state of New Jersey does to protect people and property. Mr. Volpa is an incredibly knowledgeable guide, and we were lucky to be able to spend the day with him!
A diagram that Mr V made to show us the layers of sand and marl underneath New Jersey that are able to hold water so well. Mr Volpa teaches us about the Pine Barrens.