Today for our Asian Culture Intensive Learning we were taught about Chinese Culture. In the morning a woman came in to speak to us about Ancient Chinese medicine that is still used today. She told us about acupuncture and “cupping.” These are two ways to increase blood flow and help make the body healthier. After her demonstration she allowed us to get acupuncture and cupping. Many students and teachers volunteered to have it done. After this presentation our group drove into Philly to visit Chinatown. We walked to a Chinese temple where they worship three lucky Buddhas that can be distinguished by the object they hold.
Next, we went to a traditional Chinese restaurant. We were able to try many different foods including rice, seafood, hot and sour soup, walnut shrimp, and various chickens. After, we were able to walk around Chinatown and peek into different stores and try some bubble tea.
Then we got the opportunity to watch authentic Chinese music in a lovely home. The instruments looked very unique and sounded beautiful. Some of the students even got the chance to play the instruments themselves! It was a great day for Asian Culture and Multicultural Philadelphia to come together and learn more about Chinese history and culture.