Buenos Aires: First Impressions

Day 2: Friday, March 21, 2025

By Ted and Jack

At around 12 p.m., we arrived in Buenos Aires after a 10-hour flight from JFK Airport where some of us struggled to fall asleep and others took the opportunity to catch up on rest and get adjusted to the local time. It was 80 degrees when we arrived, as Northern Argentina is transitioning from one season to another, so most of us had to change into lighter clothes.

We first met our group leaders Johan, Jeremy, and Conrado at the airport, and then we drove to our hostel, “Folk Palermo,” where we checked into our rooms and got oriented.

Shortly afterwards we went to have lunch at a local restaurant that serves empanadas, milanesa, pizza, and other typical Argentine dishes. The food was an authentic welcome to Argentine cuisine.

Afterwards we had several leadership activities where we began getting more acquainted with our group leaders. We also came up with goals, values, and fears that we have as individuals and as a group. We then had some free time in our rooms, and later that night we took an evening walk around the neighborhood, taking in the beautiful sights of the Buenos Aires suburb.

Our first day in Argentina was a resounding success.

2025 Programs, Collaborative Leadership in Argentina & Patagonia 2025

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