Canine Corner: All Dogs, All Day

Today was visiting day for Canine IL. We had our last presentation from Semper Fido, who train shelter dogs to be service dogs for veterans who suffer from PTSD and traumatic brain injury.  The presentation was very moving. Today, we had a total of 9 canine visitors. We want to thank  their owners for sharing them with us. It was wonderful.

Our puppy visitors were: Buffalo (Bulldog), Alaska (Lab),  and Lucky (Golden Retriever). They were adorable and well-behaved.

Our dog visitors were: Rosie, Legend, and Frank (German Shepherd).  Frank was an explosive detection dog in Afghanistan before he found a happy home in New Jersey.

Also we had visits from Bailey, Popeye, Petey, and Brady.

It was a great way to end the week.

2018 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner