Canines Day 3: Penn Vet Working Dog Center

Today was a great day! We started the day by learning about the origins of dogs and the process of domestication, including the amazing Russian silver foxes that were domesticated just a few generations by selecting and breeding for positive behavior towards humans (and also started to look more doglike in the process!).

Our main activity was a visit to the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. We watched dogs go through agility training and search training. The dogs varied from ten weeks to about nine months and all of them were adorable, including one English Springer Spaniel, several Labrador Retrievers, and several German Shepherds.

Sometimes trainers used treats and clickers or toys for positive reinforcement. We received a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity watching all of the puppies complete their regular daily training while also having Pat, one of the head trainers, explain everything to us. For example, we learned that dogs aren’t normally aware of their hind legs. They practiced using them by going in and out of boxes and going up ladders. We also learned about heat exhaustion in dogs and the signs of it, as well as what seemed like a million other fascinating facts. Back at school, we made more dog toys and continued watching our dog movie.

It really was a great day and we are looking forward to going to the shelter tomorrow!


2017 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner,