We started off our day with making a stop at Wawa to fuel for the adventure ahead. We met Chelsea Jackson from the Interfaith Center of Philadelphia for our service component with CosaCosa at the Alexander K. McClure Elementary School.
We looked at the beautiful murals that the graduating fifth grade class has made for the past few years. We saw transformation photos from how this school used to look and it was incredible! We worked on this year’s mural and worked hard to space the mosaic pieces.
Then, the current fifth grade class came in and we helped them make their symmetrical individual butterflies. They were so talented! I️t was so much fun to get to know them and we were all sad when they had to leave. We took a picture in front of one of their fantastic murals outside and then got on the bus to the Unitarian Society of Germantown.
We ate lunch on the way to the Unitarian Universalist Faith Encounter and we met Minister Kent who was very nice and taught us about the origin and meaning of the faith, which was new to most of us. I️t was a great day!
-Sydney, Bella, and Renna