Dog Days, #5 — Kennels, Terriers, and Dachshunds, Oh My!

Today we switched groups. Half of us stayed back and repeated yesterday’s  dog friendliness assessment of Moorestown and then kept working on their projects. The other half of the group went back to the Animal Adoption Center, but this time we went much earlier so we’d be able to help clean the kennels. We learned their system for soaping, scrubbing, rinsing, and squeegeeing the concrete outdoor areas. We also cleaned the bathroom and swept the cat room.

Our reward was play time! After lunch we had special visitors, Lini Federici and Dr. Rosenberg. They brought in their Norfolk terriers and dachshunds for us to play with while learning about their hunting and therapy skills. The Norfolk terriers go all over to help hunt and kill rodents. The dachshunds visit schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and victims of disaster to provide stress relief. It’s amazing what these dogs can do!


2017 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner