
Today we started our adventure of DOGGO exploration.  We went to Monster Pets and learned about dog nutrition and the marketing of different foods. The presenter, a dog trainer and dog food company rep, shamed Mr. Sussman about his food choice (and advocated for a certain dog food company that employed her!) while also educating us about the history of dog feeding, from table scraps to horse meat and beyond. We pet bunnies, saw ferrets, and bought fish. Then we met Judy’s DOGGO Bomba (Bombadil) and told our own pupper and pet stories. Mr. Sussman shared the saga of his semi-agoraphobic rescue DOGGO, Boo, focusing on the travails of rehabilitating strays. We even had some fun identifying different DOGGO feelings based on different types of barks.

We started discussing the possible projects we’ll emBARK on next week: proposing a new dog product or service, designing a new type of dog park, or creating a video PSA to create greater awareness of an important canine issue.

It shaped up to be a barktastic day!



2017 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner