Unlike the Upper Schoolers, this was the preschoolers’ first time in the dining hall. They were very excited to sit in the big chairs and enjoyed sitting with the “big kids.” It was fun to hear them point out details that they thought were cool because it made us realize and appreciate little details that we saw every day yet ignored.

Today the exploring animation group and the preschoolers ate lunch together. We lined up and went to the dining hall. Unlike the Upper Schoolers, this was the preschoolers’ first time in the dining hall. They were very excited to sit in the big chairs and enjoyed sitting with the “big kids.” It was fun to hear them point out details that they thought were cool because it made us realize and appreciate little details that we saw every day yet ignored. All in all, it was a good experience; however, it was a little loud for some of our younger friends.
In the Andorko group, we all hung out with the kids and got to know them a little better. At the start, a lot of them were shy, but they warmed up to us after we were with them for a while. We all thought that building connections was more important than doing the work at the beginning. This is because if we didn’t know each other, the preschoolers wouldn’t want to talk to us, and therefore wouldn’t be able to help us as much. Now, we will be able to work productively together the other days, and maybe even keep those connections throughout school.