Today, the focus was on preparing for our adventures to Ocean City that awaits us tomorrow. We began with a slideshow, and after that started construction of our sculptures we will install on the beach. Some people built sculptures and some people built tools with which to create sand drawings. After that, we headed to Stokes Hall to be made into sculptures ourselves! Mr.Webster brought in a bunch of post-it notes that we then proceeded to post onto students in a certain fashion as to create the illusion that they aren’t really there, or that they are made of post it notes. After that we head back to the wood shop room to continue construction, eagerly awaiting the exciting adventures that tomorrow holds!
We began our day with a presentation on different types of sand sculptures and drawings. This slide show was shown to us as a guide to create our own drawings and sculptures. The experience of creating a sand drawing versus a sand sculpture is very different. For a sand drawing, one needs to have a general design sketched out. Afterward, one needs to think about how to create that design. Mr. Webster and Ms. Edmund gave us many resources to construct our design in the sand. The students who wanted to draw circles used ropes and tie knots at a certain point on the rope to create a radius for their circle. The students who wanted to create lines in the sand built rakes out of wood and nails/screws. Our creations prepared us for tomorrow’s trip.