French Press & Dine-In

Today in Cultural Exploration Through Food we started our day with a trip to French Press, a local cafe. We ordered all different kinds of French cuisine and pastries. From powdered sugar-coated almond croissants to matcha cinnamon lattes, we had an amazing time on our Main Street day trip. The rain on the way back left some of us stuck in Hartman, but it was worth it because when we made it back to the main building we created the second meal of our Intensive Learning experience.

First, we had the French dish called Salade Niçoise, which included washing, chopping, and carefully organizing the different vegetables on the plate before serving to our group and sharing with those who stopped by. Secondly, for our Chinese dish, we made rice noodles with a variety of additions including tomatoes, eggs, and beef/vegetable stir-fries.

After everyone’s hard work in contributing to our group delicacies, we set the table, poured our drinks (water and Sprite), played a large variety of music, and ate! As the day came to an end students had to clean dishes in the kitchen in addition to participating in numerous activities from learning the entire cup song and performing it, and playing lacrosse in the nearby field house gym. Overall today was definitely a fan favorite among the group and everyone is looking forward to our next dish and trip – Ratatouille and Chinatown!

2025 Programs, Cultural Exploration Through Food 2025

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