We met at MFS at 3:30 am to board a bus to Newark airport. There was a little hiccup because we were meant to have two buses but only had one! But we packed the luggage carefully and somehow all fit. The flight was 12 hours from Newark to Honolulu nonstop. We had to fill out extra forms in the airport to get special wristbands showing we were vaccinated and approved to enter Hawaii. We arrived and met our tour manager Carlos who helped us get to our bus, and we went for a short bus ride in Honolulu. The weather was beautiful, and we stopped to visit the statute of King Kamehameha before heading to our hotel. We picked up some essentials like snacks and reef safe sunscreen and changed for dinner at PF Chang’s. We had room check at 10 pm but most of us were already asleep when the chaperones came around!