你好! (Hello!)

This morning we woke up at the same time as yesterday (around 6 a.m.) to eat breakfast. Many of us ate 油条 which are fried bread sticks dipped in hot soy milk. After we finished eating, we brought our luggage to the bus and started our one-hour drive to the Forbidden City.
On our way there we saw many buildings in Old Beijing. While we were in front of the Great Hall of the People on our way to the entrance of the Forbidden City, we saw the Sri Lankan Prime Minister enter the building! The process of getting in the palace museum was pretty long and had lots of lines, but we were able to take some pictures with locals and of the scenery.
Once we got in the museum, we got to see statues of different animals, amazing architecture, and even the prince’s golden throne!
Once we got out of the museum after about an hour of looking around, we headed directly to the train station where we ate 炸酱面 at a restaraunt inside the station. The train was very spacious with lots of leg room and snacks to buy for the four-hour ride.
Compared to other subway systems like in Philly or New York, the train was extremely fast, and we were able to travel from Beijing to Xi’an in four hours (roughly the same distance from Washington, D.C. to Montgomery, Alabama).
After we arrived in Xi’an, we met our new tour guide, Ken, and boarded the bus that would take us to our hotel. On the bus, Ken told us some facts about Xi’an, such as it having been build 3000 years ago during the Bronze Age and that it has 60 different universities and colleges.
When we arrived at our hotel, we went into a restaurant there to eat dinner. The meal was delicious, with plenty of soups, meats, and vegetables. Finally, when we were all done eating, we went to our rooms and went to sleep. We’re all looking forward to exploring Xi’an tomorrow!