Today we took a trip to the historical Ronald McDonald house. It’s a place that houses families from around the world whose kids are undergoing procedures in Cooper Hospital and four others. It provides food, comfort, and a safe place to stay when needed.
When we arrived we were given a tour through the Ronald McDonald to see what service was needed. We were divided into four groups, each split up to complete different acts of service. My group was sent to Johnny’s Club House, which was just the name of the toy room used by the kids. Our task was to throw out broken toys, disinfect ones still in use, and replace some of them. Throughout our time we did a very good job of organizing and cleaning up, and we were happy to help the kids who used the space.
Another group also split up to work on cooking food that would be used for lunch and also as a quick grab and go option. Half of us split up into making egg omelets that were put into a baking dish. Another half was split into a group that would focus on making treats that kids and their families would be able to enjoy. We all enjoyed making food, and we were all given free range in the kitchen to complete our tasks. We split up into making muffins and also brownies. All of us worked together cleaning the kitchen as there was a lot to clean up. In all, we enjoyed baking as a group and it felt good to contribute towards a cause.
The third group organized the puzzles and board games that we will dontate for the kids. They filled three huge trash bags! The toys really reminded me of my childhood. The toys are important to give children the power and the excited feelings to help them beat the pain they suffer.
I can also imagine what the health care workers are feeling. They are people with real heart and trying to contribute to the society, which gains all of my respect.