Pine Barrens: Myths and Realities

Day Four

Our group spent the day on campus due to some particularly strong winds and cold temperatures. In the morning, we broke into four groups and each created a video relating to the myth of the Jersey Devil. The legend says that Mother Leeds was pregnant with her 13th child. Frustrated with so many children, she cursed it as she was giving birth. The child mysteriously began to change shape, becoming more like an animal as it took its first breath. According to the legend, it grew wings and flew away, only to come back and terrorize those living in or visiting the Pine Barrens for the next few hundred years.

Our videos ranged from man-on-the-street interviews, faux newscasts, and “actual” encounters with the creature. We had a great time making them, and during our viewing party this afternoon, we all had a laugh.

During the late morning and early afternoon, we made presentations about what we’d learned during the week for the 4th grade classes, since they’ll be visiting Camp Ockanickon (in the pines) in a few weeks. We provided them with an overview of Pine Barrens ecology, famous sites, and opportunities for recreation. The students had many questions and really seemed to enjoy our presence. We hope they feel a little more prepared to venture into the Pine Barrens in the weeks to come!

Tomorrow we will spend our last day in the forest to visit a wildlife refuge and do another hike!



2014 Experiences, A Unique Pine Barrens Experience,