Spending the Day at Swarthmore College!

By Zahra and Jaden

Today on Thriving Now and Beyond, we visited Swarthmore College, a liberal arts college located in Pennsylvania! We ended up really enjoying this particular college visit because we could spend the entire day within the campus, fitting in an info session, campus tour and lunch at the Swarthmore Dining Hall. So, for some context, the day started out with an info session led by an admissions officer AND a Swarthmore student (first time we experienced this), and really helped us understand Swarthmore’s values and differences from other schools.

After the info session, we got a tour of the campus, which was GREAT, and we even got to stay back and chat with our tour guide about her personal experience choosing to attend Swarthmore. Plus, the Swarthmore campus turned out to be not only larger than we expected but also prettier!

Students enjoy lunch at Swarthmore Dining hall alongside admission officers!

Then we ended up walking towards the Dining Hall, where we ate lunch and dessert, experiencing student interaction and campus life at Swarthmore. And to be clear, the food was AMAZING and talking with some of the Swarthmore admission officers during lunch allowed us to get helpful advice on high school and college visits in general. One thing we all found unique about our experience at Swarthmore was the feeling of MFS we got visiting, which might have been because it was relatively small compared to other colleges or because it was also established under the Religious Society of Friends.

When we returned we realized that spending a whole day at a school helped us gain a better experience and understanding of the place, people and environment, and we are so excited to visit Haverford tomorrow!

2025 Programs, Thriving Now & Beyond 2025

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