Quilting: The Final Day

Today was the final day for the quilters. Over the course of this week, we have learned many valuable skills. Students have learned how to use a sewing machine, hand-stitch, and even use a professional long-arm machine. It has been a wonderful and laughter-filled week for our little group of 6!...

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Exploring Asian Art

Yesterday, we visited the Philadelphia Art Museum.  We looked at the Asian Art, such as old Alchemist bottles.  We experienced what it was like to live in Japan about 100 years ago in the Tea House.  Afterwards, we went to a Korean BBQ.  We ate delicious food that was very cultural to the region of Korea....

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Exploring Art: The Totem Grows

Understanding the elements of a totem is an important step in creating a community totem pole installation. Each element needs to represent both the individual and the communal group. To get in touch with our inner spirit, we researched the emotional and personality meanings behind animals typically used as totems. We then drew ourselves...

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