The Scared Spaces Intensive Learning Team really had a busy day. In the morning we helped at DePaul Center for those transitioning from homelessness. A very interesting and meaningful afternoon was spent at the Masjidullah Islamic Prayer Center. Our new friend, Jamillah, helped all the girls tie our hijabs. The program continues next week...
Continue readingExploring Art: Putting the final touches on our projects
Today we stayed on campus to complete all of our projects both individual and group — photography, sculpture, mandalas and totems abound! It was a great way to end our week of exploration and creation. The photos say it all …...
Continue readingMálaga: A Tasty and Picturesque Finish to a Beautiful Trip
Today we went to the Ave Marie School in Málaga. We were shown around the school and saw the kindergarten and the fourth grade students. Our choir members sayng Siyahamba for the fourth grade students. After that we were shown the electronics teacher and the car shop teacher. We were explained how these work in Spain...
Continue readingExploring Art: More Reflections from the Pond
We all had a great time at Pakim Pond on Wednesday and wanted to share a few more pics....
Continue readingExploring Art: Art on the Pond
A beautiful day for an adventure outside of the classroom! Getting an early start to our day, we traveled to Pakim Pond, in the Brendan T. Byrne State Forest (formerly Lebanon State Forest) for a day of hiking, exploring and as usual — creating. It was refreshing to travel less than 30 miles from...
Continue readingNicaragua: Finishing Our Project in Solidarity
Continue readingGranada, Spain: Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad
Today we arrived at our destination: Granada, Spain. The trip was long, but along the way we got a glimpse of the beautiful scenery in this country. When we finally got to Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad, our home for the next few days, we had time...
Continue readingHolguin, Cuba: New friends, new foods
On Saturday morning, we woke up early to make our flight from Miami to Cuba. After a short flight, we finally made it to Holguin. When we arrived at the Church, Iglesia de Los Amigos, we met all of the extremely kind people who are hosting us. We had a dinner of pasta, chopped...
Continue readingNew Friends and a Fond Farewell
Today we visited a school in Chengdu called Dujiangyan yucai high school. We were welcomed by a banner hanging outside of their school and some students who were eagerly awaiting our arrival. The students we met were all juniors because the seniors had to study for their upcoming college entrance exams. After a tour...
Continue readingThank you!
As we settle back into our lives in New Jersey and look back at the past week, we would like to offer a very special thank you to our wonderful host families from Costa Rica. They welcomed us into their homes and families. They showed us how to dance, fed us well and definitely stole...
Continue readingReflections on New Mexico
This morning we sat outside at the foot of a volcanic escarpment and wrote about the journey we have taken together over the last week. Here are some excerpts: The following day was probably my favorite. This day we hiked down 800 feet to the bottom of the Rio Grande Gorge. That was one...
Continue readingHeading Home Soon
By Laila, Nneka, and Crystal We woke up at the crack of dawn, packed up all of our things and ate breakfast with our host families. Our host mom made us sandwiches for the road. We bought some homemade crafts and T-shirts from one of the mothers. We packed up the bus and headed...
Continue readingBuilding, painting, dancing …
By Wesley Our last full day in the village, however nostalgic, consisted of a morning of hard work and service followed by an afternoon and evening of engaging activities. Upon arriving at La Escuela de Coope San Juan in the morning, we finally completed the soccer field as a group. Once the soccer goals...
Continue readingLeaving CoopeSanJuan
Cutest new friends ever!!!!! They even sang a song for us. ...
Continue readingAppalachian Trail: Petals from our hikers
Monday’s Petals Bonding with everyone on the trail-Luke All of the farm animals that we saw during the drive up-Katherine Getting the chance to hang out with people that I don’t normally have the chance to see-Emily The scene along the way-Vivian Most, but not all, of the music played in the car ride...
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