We spent most of our day using our sewing machines or hand stitching the binding onto our quilts. The pressing of fabrics and cutting of cotton also occurred at various points during our day. We were rewarded in the end with pretzels and Starbucks from Main Street....
Continue readingBayshore: The Sun Appears!
Today at Bayshore was extremely productive. Upon our arrival we proceeded to remove the winter cover from the Meerwald. We removed the cover and took away the pipes holding it up. We then proceeded to paint a glossy white coat on the Meerwald’s cabin and rails. It was absolutely beautiful later in the...
Continue readingHard Work, Rewarding Work
Monday, March 27, 2017 Today was a great day for the Cuba trip! We began the morning at 8:30 with a breakfast of bacon, eggs, bread, and cheese, along with fresh fruits and guava juice. At 9:30, we were off to a Friends Church in a coastal town of Puerto Padre,...
Continue readingGive Kids the World: Some Final Words
As I find myself in the airport reflecting on the week, I would first like to thank the parents for allowing us to take this wonderful group. They worked hard, knew how to interact with kids and adults, and they had lots of fun. It was nice not to have to be a chaperone...
Continue readingWhat Does it Take to Keep a Tall Ship Up and Running?
It started raining and thundering today, keeping us from applying the final coats of Penetrol to the spars. We were able to move some smaller pieces of the boat undercover, where some of us scraped some paint off the wood and then repainted it. Those of us outside got drenched in horizontally-falling rain water, so it...
Continue readingGYLI: Rock Climbing & Final Reflection
Today was a long day for us at GYLI. We left MFS and went to Elite Climbing for the day. After we had a quick training, everyone was scrambling up the various climbing wall. Although the rock climbing is really challenging because most of us have never tried this, and we were all really...
Continue readingThe Hoedown Sewdown
Today was our last day of sewing 🙁 We started our day off with a couple hours of finish-up work, followed by an educational video about where all of our clothes will be going! After a quick snack and a couple more hours of work, we were treated to a super special Healthy Garden...
Continue readingChristmas in the Village
Today we got up bright and early to eat breakfast at the hotel! We hopped in the minivan and were on our way by 7. Most of our crew started out their morning at Nancy’s kitchen working a variety of jobs from server to busser. Kristin and Georgia were photo assistants for the Disney...
Continue readingRugs, Rugs, Rugs!
The bus careened toward the Restore, our 3rd Day set to begin. There were tiles, there were asphalt shingles, and there were rugs, oh so many rugs. We started by hardily smashing furniture sets with sledge hammers. Half of the group quickly moved to the Restore’s secondary warehouse to dispose of broken pallets. One...
Continue readingA Magical Day in a Magical Place
After a quick breakfast at 6:30, we headed over to the Give Kids the World Village to work in the arcade and help serve breakfast. It was Lina’s birthday (a 12 year old wish kid), so we sang to her, gave her cake, and painted her nails. Before we knew it, breakfast was over, so...
Continue readingLa Mezquita de Córdoba
Today we said goodbye to the community of FES. It was very sad and sweet at the same time, and all of us feel that we would not want to trade the experience for the world. Then we headed on the bus towards Córdoba, which took two hours. Once we arrived, we went to...
Continue readingNicaragua: Amigos, trabajo, comunidad
Nicaragua: Finishing Our Project in Solidarity
Continue readingOf bulldogs and border collies … and shelter dogs
Yesterday’s destinations were visited by different groups; we had some canine visitors to cheer us!...
Continue readingSewing Day Three!
Everyone embarked on different projects today. After we made some jumpers, dresses, and other baby outfits, our projects were hung on display in front of the window to display our hard work. After picking up food from Main Street, we headed back and settled into an afternoon of hard work....
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