By Matthew and Jayden
Today was a Monday, but also our second day of Thriving Now and Beyond! There’s a lot to go over, from rain to colleges to even more rain! So, without further ado, let’s begin!
Drexel University

We began our day at the visitors center of Drexel University in Philadelphia. There, we filled out a couple of forms that asked for the potential year of enrollment to Drexel. The options were: 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027. As members of the graduating class of 2028 at MFS, we were befuddled and wrote a note off to the side.
Anyways, our tour began by looking around the building where the college was first founded. While quite small, the building was actually home to the 2008 Presidential debate, which seems like the last place one would expect it to be.

Next, we went on to learn about the research and colleges within Drexel. Drexel is proud of the fact that they are an R1 university, which basically means they do a LOT of research. In fact, half of the buildings we visited were dedicated to research. The buildings themselves were also quite interesting, ranging from cool windows to “green” walls.

We ended our tour by stopping at the basketball stadium, which was dull considering all the students were on spring break. Drexel is known for having a very competitive basketball team.

Anyway, Drexel was an interesting school, and I liked its artistic representation.
University of Pennsylvania

This college mainly focuses on leadership as a value, and it gives you a chance to explore multiple career paths while being there! We also explored the scenery around the area and took some pictures with the group!