Visions of pineapple and other delights

1. The satisfaction of getting all the gunk off the fence and painting that final spot on the table

2. Pineapple for breakfast

3. Sloth spotting

4. Pineapple mid-rafting snack

5. Cliff diving (a. k. a. small ledge jumping – don’t worry Mom and Dad!)

6. Licking pineapple juice off our fingers

7. Howler monkey spotting

8. Dulce de leche cake for dessert (surprise!)

9. Night hike creature spotting (frogs and leaf hoppers and iguanas – oh my!)

10. Going to sleep with visions of pineapple dancing in our heads

2015 Experiences, Costa Rica Service


  1. Good morning everyone,

    To read about the sights, taste and sounds of Costa Rica gives me a sense of being there. It is so great to hear that you all are not only taking in the beauty, but are contributing to the country.

    I know your parents are as proud of you as I am of Chelsey.

    Be safe and continue enjoying yourselves…. By The Way…. Love you Boopie

    Crystal Flax

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