What a Day!

Successfully locating the box with the scent.  The reward was playing pull toy.
McBain is an ovarian cancer detection dog. His reward was playing with a ball.

Today was busy! In  the morning we visited the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. We met an 8-week old Golden Retriever puppy, Riley. Then we learned how the dogs are kept fit to work, with stretches and exercises and how they start training dogs in basic skills like scent detection and search. The trainers were very nice about answering our questions.   We learned that the dogs have fun at all the activities and the dogs chose their specialties through what they most enjoy.

Then this afternoon we went to House Paws, a mobile veterinary service to visit Rachael Samaroo-Lojek, who graduated from MFS. She is one of their education coordinators. We had a lecture on Animal Psychology. Then we got to play with 2 ferrets, a guinea pig, 3 chicks, and a bearded dragon, oh yes and a miniature donkey.  We finished our day with a tour of the veterinary hospital.

Playing with Ferrets


Greeting the miniature Donkey was fun.
2018 Experiences, Social Psychology: Canine Corner